Draft for comment
August 1989
(Most of the work on this paper was done during the author's stays as visiting
professor at the Graduate Library School, University of Chicago)Preface
This paper gives a panoramic overview of problems that arise in the design
of information retrieval systems and in information retrieval research and puts
the individual problems in perspective. It can serve as a framework for research
and for curriculum development. I hope to give the experienced reader some new
perspectives and relationships not commonly thought about, and to the newcomer a
sense of the spirit of the field.
Problem areas 1 and 2 deal with the user, her problems, information needs,
and information processing behavior. Problem areas 3 - 5 deal with the design of
systems that can produce helpful information packages. Problem areas 6 and 7 are
concerned with a closer coupling between information systems and users' daily
work. Finally, problem area 8 returns to the user: Did the information provided
have the desired effect in terms of improved task performance? |